First and foremost, the best option if you are really serious about your health, fitness and body composition goals, is to not drink alcohol or limit it as much as you can. Drinking and fitness goals really don’t go hand in hand.  Let’s be real for a moment, alcohol is a poison or toxin, if that word is easier to stomach, that your liver has to ‘detoxify’ to remove it from your body.


Please know that I am not judging and/or not preaching. And for the record, I really do enjoy the occasional Alabama Slammer, Colorado Bulldog or Porn Star Martini.   I am aware of and accountable for the effects of alcohol on my body and goals.


[Alcohol is broken down, or metabolized, by an enzyme in your liver cells known as alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). ADH breaks down alcohol into acetaldehyde, and then another enzyme, aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH), rapidly breaks down acetaldehyde into acetate. The acetate is further metabolized, and eventually leaves your body as carbon dioxide and water.]


So if you are 100% going to drink then your best option is lower calorie drinks. These could include light beers, seltzers (not the super sweet ones) or mixed drinks with no calories added (think vodka, soda water or whiskey diet coke).  Know that all alcohol has calories (alcohol is 7 calories per gram).  Remember alcohol itself is distilled from some form of grain product (think carbs). In fact, alcohol is the second most calorie-dense macronutrient just below fats which are 9 calories per gram. 


Next, have a plan and stick to it.  For example you may say to yourself, “Ok, I’m gonna have 2 vodka sodas tonight.”  This translates to ~300-400 calories.  Then you need to save or “bank” 300-400 calories. Eliminate 300-400 calories from your plan (from carbs and/or fats NOT protein).  On days I know I will be imbibing, I reduce my carbs and fats on most of my meals leading up to the drinks and stick with mainly protein and veggies.  If you do this in moderation you should very well still be able to progress towards your goals. 


One other parting note on alcohol is that alcohol is a diuretic. This means it causes your body to remove fluids from your blood through your renal system, which includes the kidneys, ureters, and bladder, at a much quicker rate than other liquids. Therefore, if you don’t drink enough water with alcohol, you can become dehydrated quickly.  So my advice is to keep the water flowing as you enjoy your drinks – not only does this help with hydration, it also allows some pacing between the shots of tequila.  Oh, and watch out for the worm – ay caramba – on second thought, probably some good protein!  LOL!

Lastly, we cant forget about the potentially most destructive part of alcohol.  The good ol case of the “fuck its”.  Followed by the next day hang over.  I know you all know what im talking about.  Once that buzz comes in strong then everything goes out the window.  “Clear my schedule because WE PARTYING TONIGHT!!!”.  More drinks, more shots, and of course the 3am Denny’s roll call.  With maybe even a del taco drive through run on the final stretch home.  Then lets not forget whats to come in a few hours.  The dred, the regret, the nausea.  The “GIVE ME FRIED FOOD AND LET ME SLEEP FOR 3 days”.  Also not super advantageous for adhering to any sort of nutrition plan.


At the end of the day i still do believe these nights have their time and place.  From creating bonds to everlasting memories with friends, families and maybe even strangers.  Lets just have some sort of resemblance of balance.  A plan, manageable expectations and hope to god you dont wake up married or next to someone you very much regret.  XOXO Chase