What to do after a day of cheating/ falling off the wagon?

Best thing to do after a day that you went off your plan.  First off, DONT BEAT YOURSELF UP!!!  IT HAPPENS.  Its part of the journey.  Second, Is evaluate what you feel went wrong. Did you get too hungry? Did you get bored? Did you not prep in time? Etc. Identify what went wrong and then just move on. Dont dwell. Just move on to the next day. You do NOT need to modify or lower calories moving forward.  Just try your best to take away something valuable from this experience and push forward.  Add more tools to your tool belt because these situations will come up again.  Learning how to combat that is KEY!  YOU GOT THIS!!!


DONT STEW,  Beat yourself up, be a victim or feel sorry for yourself etc


And if do want to stew on something then stew on the fact that you were able to go ham and eat whatever you want.


MOVE ON!!!!  Dont punish yourself or maybe do?  Should i lower calories?


Evaluate what you feel like what went wrong?  If you go into a similar situation again how you combat it?


Identify what went wrong and try to take away something valuable.  Keep adding tools to the tool belt.